Function Reference: writefis

Function File: writefis (fis)
Function File: writefis (fis, filename)
Function File: writefis (fis, filename, dialog)

Save the specified FIS currently in the Octave workspace to a file named by the user.

There are three forms of writefis:

Number of ArgumentsAction Taken
1Open a dialog GUI to help the user choose a directory and name for the output file.
2Do not open a dialog GUI. Save the FIS to a file in the current directory with the specified filename. If the specified filename does not end in ’.fis’, append ’.fis’ to the filename.
3Open a dialog GUI with the specified filename in the ’filename’ textbox of the GUI. If the specified filename does not end in ’.fis’, append ’.fis’ to the filename.

The types/values of the arguments are expected to be:

ArgumentExpected Type or Value
fisan FIS structure satisfying is_fis (see private/is_fis.m)
filenamea string; if the string does not already end with the extension ".fis", then ".fis" is added
dialogthe string ’dialog’ (case insensitive)

Note: The GUI dialog requires zenity to be installed on the system.

Known error: When using the file dialog, if the user clicks "Cancel" instead of saving the file, an error message is generated.

See also: readfis