Function Reference: gensurf

Function File: gensurf (fis)
Function File: gensurf (fis, input_axes)
Function File: gensurf (fis, input_axes, output_axes)
Function File: gensurf (fis, input_axes, output_axes, grids)
Function File: gensurf (fis, input_axes, output_axes, grids, ref_input)
Function File: gensurf (fis, input_axes, output_axes, grids, ref_input, num_points)
Function File: [x, y, z] = gensurf (...)

Generate and plot a surface (or 2-dimensional curve) showing one FIS output as a function of two (or one) of the FIS inputs. The reference input is used for all FIS inputs that are not in the input_axes vector.

Grids, which specifies the number of grids to show on the input axes, may be a scalar or a vector of length 2. If a scalar, then both axes will use the same number of grids. If a vector of length 2, then the grids on the two axes are controlled separately.

Num_points specifies the number of points to use when evaluating the FIS.

The final form "[x, y, z] = gensurf(...)" suppresses plotting.

Default values for arguments not supplied are:

  • input_axes == [1 2]
  • output_axis == 1
  • grids == [15 15]
  • ref_input == []
  • num_points == 101

Six demo scripts that use gensurf are:

  • cubic_approx_demo.m
  • heart_disease_demo_1.m
  • heart_disease_demo_2.m
  • investment_portfolio_demo.m
  • linear_tip_demo.m
  • mamdani_tip_demo.m
  • sugeno_tip_demo.m

Current limitation: The form of gensurf that suppresses plotting (the final form above) is not yet implemented.

See also: cubic_approx_demo, heart_disease_demo_1, heart_disease_demo_2, investment_portfolio_demo, linear_tip_demo, mamdani_tip_demo, sugeno_tip_demo, plotmf